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Re: [Alex] Can't find Hook
Hi Alex,

Please expect a couple of dumb questions coming up.

Where should I create the subclass:

my $table = $DB->table('TableName');
$table->subclass( table => { TableName => 'Plugins::EditorMonitor::Table' });

Should this by in my install.pm? or in the newly created module... sorry , I am a little confused about setting it up.


then anywhere in the Links SQL code, or anywhere in any code that gets its table from $DB->table(), it will invoke your code.
I should really keep what ever function it calls to a minimum then. Basically retreive the values I need at this point and store them in my other Editors Table (EditorDetails).

Links Plugins

Last edited by:

Ian: Jun 11, 2002, 9:24 PM

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