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Just wondering about some (standard) functionalities in Links SQL.


Because currently we are using a heavily modified Links2.0 for our Job Posting section of our website. But to be ready for the future and implement a more stable solution I would like to switch to Links SQL (For instance. I added the functionality that multiple users could log in the admin section and add Jobs to our website. But if a collegue of me would type ‘db=users’ in the url-resource bar he/she would be able to see and modify the passwords of all users.)

What are our wishes?

1) Allow only our employees to log in the admin section an add jobs.
2) Have Links SQL offer these jobs in 3 sections to the visitors of our website
3) Allow visitors to apply for jobs by filling in a form (including the possibility to uploading their resume
4) Store and email the response to the ‘owner’ of the job (including sending the uploaded resume as an attachment)

Which specific functionalities?

- Multiple users being able to log in the admin section. (More secure that now.)
- Each job or record should be able to have an owner, and you should only be able to add/edit/delete your own jobs. Admin could control all.
- Visitors of the website browse or search for jobs. (including xml exchange)
- Visitors reply to jobs with special reply-form (sort of add.cgi, except your now adding a job but a reply?)
- Reply-form offers add to database but also send email to job-owner including attachment.

….as I said all these functionalities are now implemented in our Links2.0, but as I don’t know anything about the SQL functionalities I’m wondering which one are standard and which one I could implement with a small tweak.

Thanks in advance.

Last edited by:

cK: Jun 11, 2002, 1:38 PM

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