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Products: Gossamer Mail: Discussion: Time Offset Seems Wrong: Edit Log

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Time Offset Seems Wrong
Is it me that's thinking wrong or is the time zone offset wrong. On the west coast we are 8 hours off GMT for PST but the setting for LA/SF etc are 7 hours. I just sent a message after setting this for the first time and it's an hour off from my server time and my time. In looking at the zones in the file, a whole bunch of them seem off by an hour. Can someone explain what's going on there please.

Also, I haven't found this yet, but where does the users selection for this get saved. Is it in the database somewhere or a cookie? And if the user doesn't set anything, is the default to use GMT or what's set in the admin?

And a suggestion while I'm at it... It would be nice on the welcome page for the users (maybe inbox also) to display the current date/time and have a link to the page to adjust the offset. Is there a tag being used now that will let me do this or do I need to create a global for it?

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JerryP: Mar 6, 2002, 10:36 PM

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