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Re: [Michael_Bray] Woohoo
>>Well in my PHP scripts I have a connection sub routine. I assign the db connection to $DB and pass that along.

so if i have a function that needs to do something I just require the $DB

Well thats exactly the same principal as mine.

I use:

use Loader qw/$DB/;

...to load the database object and use $self->{dbh} for the database handle.

>>Having it that format allows me to access the result in a variety of different formats. I can pass the result into num_rows or get the result in an array etc.

Mine will do the same......

my @array = $DB->select(['Col'], 'Table', { ID => 1 } )->fetchrow_array;


my $hashref = $DB->select(['Col'], 'Table', { ID => 1 } )->fetchrow_hashref;


my @array = $DB->select(['Col'], 'Table', { ID => 1 } )->fetchrow;


my $arrayref = $DB->select(['Col'], 'Table', { ID => 1 } )->fetchall_arrayref;


my $sth = $DB->select(['Col'], 'Table', { ID => 1 } );
while (my ($tags) = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
print $tags->{ID};

...much nicer IMO.

Last edited by:

PaulW: Dec 5, 2001, 4:40 AM

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