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Template.pm Bug?
Just downloaded and tried installing MySQLman to install onto a different server. It won't work.

However, if I use any older version of Template.pm with the installation it works.

The buggy one seems to be:

$Id: Template.pm,v 2.18 2001/09/07 19:54:26 jagerman Exp $

For some reason it keeps adding an extra path to the path already there. Sorry, my terminology is awful - but you should be able to see from the example shown. This is an example error message:

fatal undef error: GT::Template::Parser (22225): Unable to open template file './templates/./templates/database.html'. Reason: File does not exist. at GT/Template.pm line 300.

As you can see it is duplicating the path, or part of it, therefore all the template files can not be found.

Have you revised the code for Template.pm recently and this is a bug? Or is just me having problems with the installation.



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Wil: Sep 19, 2001, 3:22 AM

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