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Re: [QooQ] PM's
But how many of us use static IPs? Anyway, I don't want be drawn into this debate. If people really wanted to remain anoymous then they will. There's nothing we can do to prevent that.

As for allowing people to override permissions, no, I don't agree with that. Maybe the forum Administrator. Maybe.

A better way would be to incorporate a Forum Announcment feature, as you see in the UBB (?) where a forum administrator or moderator may post a board-wide or a forum-wide announcement at the top of the page.

Would be handy for a board like this who is trying to alert it's users to a new release or an update of software. Jason, have you any views on this?

- wil

Last edited by:

wil: Sep 17, 2001, 3:48 AM

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