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horizontal scrolling by long description!

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horizontal scrolling by long description!

How can I make the description be written in some rows,if it is to long. I get it always in one line and it isn't nice.

thanks in advance
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Re: [nokia] horizontal scrolling by long description! In reply to
Not quite sure if you are referring to when you are entering information for your add record form or for when you are actually displaying the field?

When entering records you can define the field for example:


If you are wanting to include line breaks entered within a long description field and if the user actually inserts line breaks (using enter key). You could make a note on your add form to use the enter key for line breaks. Then for your display you would add:

In your sub html_record or sub html_record_long right after

my (%rec) = @_;

$rec{'Text'} =~ s/\n/<BR>/g;

Of course you would change "Text" to the name of your textarea field.

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