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Lost permission on Return

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Lost permission on Return
I have this problem of return-url link and user login/permission. I am building a site of 3

different database and (3) different .html files. The databases are link through common

interface that is the menu bar. The databases of course, have separate home pages. But then I

made a splash page for index to the website where users can decide which database to link just

when connect the site only.

The problem is if users logon to a database say "models" but want to check through a common

menu bar to database "fashion", they loose their permission and may have to login again within

same website (same db.cgi}. This is wrong and I need to correct it.

The second problem is that they can not return to "home page" of a particular database from an

attached "formmail.cgi" because I am using only one formmail for the site. I want them to

return to the exact database they connected the formail through. This is also not smooth.

I don't need a default.cfg as all configurations have categories. PLEASE HELP!!!

Is LoisC around?
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Re: [bodemesh] Lost permission on Return In reply to
Is your menu bar within the database script?

I have sites which contain various databases and I mainly use the user-friendly mod. So when I want to have a link within the databases to the others I create a sub within my format.pl file called: sub html_headdbs

This sub includes all the links to the other databases and provided you use the same password file for all databases you can retain the $db_uid.

Here is an example of what I use:

sub html_headdbs {
# -------------------------------------------------------
print qq!<$font>| <A HREF="ministry.cgi?db=ministry&uid=$db_uid">Ministry Directory</A> !;
print qq!| <A HREF="bookdb.cgi?db=booknook&uid=$db_uid">Books / Music</A> !;
print qq!| <A HREF="news.cgi?db=news&uid=$db_uid">News Room</A> !;
print qq!| <A HREF="calendar.cgi?db=calendar&uid=$db_uid">Calendar</A> !;
print qq!|<BR>| <A HREF="prayers.cgi?db=prayers&uid=$db_uid">Prayer Requests</A> !;
print qq!| <A HREF="resource.cgi?db=resource&uid=$db_uid">Resource Links</A> !;
print qq!| <A HREF="guestbk.cgi?db=guestbk&uid=$db_uid">Guestbook</A> |</font><BR>!;

Then I call this within the sub html_page_top as:

print qq|

before my site logo.

As far as your formmail script you can create a sub which holds this form and link to it from within your script. You could also place the sub within your format.pl script. Or just open the url to the form using a new window so that the users can just close the window to return to where they were before.

Hope this gives you come ideas.

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