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Webpage out of database

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Webpage out of database
How can I use the database for an entire web-site. The Idea:
A database (head.db) with headers +
A datebase with footers (foot.db) +
some databases with information. (index.db, links.db etc.)
I'd like a script that gives a HTML-output with a certain header, footer and info. Something like:
should make the index-page (with no log-in) from the databaseentries (head.db and foot.db) with the Title "Index" and index.db. When a script like this runs, you can manage a entire site from the database! It would be usefull (I think) for a lot of people.

* I n s o m n i a *
Web Design
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Re: Webpage out of database In reply to
I'd have to think a lot about how to do this. I'll get back to you if I come up with something.


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Re: Webpage out of database In reply to
One thing that you can do with the header and footer routines is to use the "Inserting Header and Footer" codes, which are found in some Topic in this forum. This would maintain a consistent look and feel to your web site. (Search for "Headers Footers" in this forum.)

For a whole web site, you should consider purchasing the SQL version, which allow you to put more data in your site and also reduces overhead on your web server.

Another suggestion is to look at the Gossamer-Threads Resource Center and check out "Sites in Action" to get an idea of
how to use DBMAN for your whole site. Some sites rely heavily on DBMAN, while others use it for certain projects (e.g., job postings, document reviews, catalogs, personnel directories, etc.).

Yet to be honest, it may be easier to use database driven editors, including NetObjects or Cold Fusion to create templates that interact with Access databases. (But I am not saying that DBMAN cannot provide you similar results...It will just be more work.)

Eliot Lee
Founder and Editor
Anthro TECH, L.L.C
Coconino Community College
Web Technology