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Message To Moderator

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Message To Moderator

Just curious, as designated moderator of the DBMan thread, what constitutes a reply to one and not another. This message is qualified with the understanding that your assistance is a courtesy and not an obligation.

I have posted a question that I really have an issue with, and have attempted to resolve through due diligence of searches and review all site information - even outside sources (your site included). I guess there is more of an unsettling feeling being ignored than being called ignorant.

As moderator, one need only hear that "the topic has been covered in the forums, please search", and the possiblity of self-discovery remains viable.

Thank you for your time.

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Re: [gatman] Message To Moderator In reply to

The only excuse I can give for responding to some threads and not others is that either I don't have an answer or suggestions regarding a post. Don't really understand the question as it was presented, or most likely after being heavily involved in other projects before checking the forum I'm somewhat brain-dead for the day and can't think clearly enough to search and find the answers needed.

Hope you understand. I don't ever ignore people on purpose, I just most likely don't have an response that would be helpful.

Unoffical DBMan FAQ

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Re: [LoisC] Message To Moderator In reply to
Thank you for clarifying. Perhaps "ignore" was too strong a word. Just didn't understand.

Appreciate it.