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NMS Formmail
Is anyone familiar with NMS formmail http://nms-cgi.sourceforge.net/

It is widely used as a replacement for old matt's formmail (but not updated for a while). I have been using NMS formmail for a long time but lately I am getting someone filling in the form to send spam.
I want them not to be able to send email without disclosing their env_variable such as Remote Address (which most spammers hide).

1) Is there way to make sure that they can't fill the form/send it, if they are hiding/not disclosing their Remote Address (IP address).

2) Is there way to make sure they don't fill in any HTML in the form or alternatively I can just block certain strings via an additional sub.

Thanks in Advance

Last edited by:

socrates: Jan 14, 2011, 1:21 AM

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