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Re: [delicia] Can't modify constant item in scalar assignment

You sure you don't need something like this? (I'm not sure the code you have is actually doing what you want)

sub auth_valid_user {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# This function returns 1 if the user/pass combo is valid, 0/undef
# otherwise.
my $args = shift;
my $table = $args->{Table};
my $email = $args->{Email};
# 8/06/2010
if ($email) {
if ($DB->table($table)->count ( { Email => $args->{Email}, Password => $args->{Password} } ) > 0) {
return $DB->table($table)->select ( ['Username'], { Email => $args->{Email}, Password => $args->{Password} } )->fetchrow;
return $DB->table($table)->select ( ['Username'], { Username => $args->{Username}, Password => $args->{Password} } )->fetchrow;


Andy (mod)
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Andy: Aug 7, 2010, 6:39 AM

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