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Luna template change request
I would like to request 2 additional templates to be added to the default luna template set.

The template would be called 'include_contentwrapper.html'.
It would be inserted BETWEEN 'contentwrapper' and 'shadowleft'.

This would allow inserting content within the contentwrapper immediately preceeding
the shadowed content area. It involves splitting the currently merged css into 2 separate div's.
So, to do this from my side, involves editing every template.

It would also be nice to have an 'include' within the shadowed content area.
This should be called 'include_content.html' as it is actually in the content tag.

Default Luna CSS
<%include include_leftsidebar.html%>
<div id="contentwrapper" class="shadowleft">
<div class="shadowtop"><div class="shadowtopleft"></div><div class="shadowtopright"></div></div>
<div class="shadowright">
<div id="content">

<div class="shadowbottom"><div class="shadowbottomleft"></div><div class="shadowbottomright"></div></div>
<%include include_rightsidebar.html%>

Proposed Change
<%include include_leftsidebar.html%>
<div id="contentwrapper">

<%include include_contentwrapper.html%>

<div class="shadowleft">

<div class="shadowtop"><div class="shadowtopleft"></div><div class="shadowtopright"></div></div>
<div class="shadowright">
<div id="content">

<%include include_content.html%>

<div class="shadowbottom"><div class="shadowbottomleft"></div><div class="shadowbottomright"></div></div>


<%include include_rightsidebar.html%>

Hopefully it makes sense. My experience with the luna template set, these includes would benefit many,
and I don't see any compatibility issues by splitting that dual div into 2 separate ones. Just include 2
more template html files, so we can add text messages and the like either immediately above, or
inside the shadowed content area.

Please let me know if you will seriously concider this change.
Hope I have that last closing div in the right place <g>.

Thank you,

Oh, you might also concider includes at the top and bottom of the areas in example.
i.e. a start and end that would allow content to be added below the areas mentioned.
RGB World, Inc. - Software &amp; Web Development.

Last edited by:

rgbworld: Apr 8, 2006, 12:28 AM

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