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Re: [SandraR] Inaccurate links count

This is the global used to calculate the value for grand total:

sub _grand_total {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Calculates the total in three queries as it can be significantly faster
# on large db's.
my $total = $DB->table('CatLinks')->count - $DB->table('Links')->count({ isValidated => 'No' });
if ($CFG->{payment}->{enabled}) {
$total -= $DB->table('Links')->count(
ExpiryDate => '<' => time,
isValidated => '=' => 'Yes'
return $total;

This means that it uses the CatLinks table and the Links table. I assume that when you deleted the categories you removed the entries in the CatLinks table? As far as I can see this counts links that are in multiple categories multiple times - could this be the problem? If so, you could just use a new global that counts the number of links in the Links table:

sub {
my $total;
if ($CFG->{payment}->{enabled}) {
$total = $DB->table('Links')->count(
'ExpiryDate' => '>=' => time,
'isValidated' => '=' => 'Yes'
} else {
$total = $DB->table('Links')->count(
isValidated => 'Yes'
); }
return $total;

Last edited by:

afinlr: Oct 14, 2004, 2:59 PM

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