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Re: [brewt] html editor GM2.2.1
There's nothing you can do about that. The extra text could possibly be part of the url, and we cannot just "guess" that it shouldn't be.

Say in text mode the email contains following line:

Click on http://somedomain for further details

The user gets the email where he clicks on


To get over this GM user has to type

Click on http://somedomain for further details (the extra space between url end and the next word). Is it that the user has to always insert that extra space.

Why should a url have a space in case GM is recoginising the adjacent word (after the url followed by space) as a part of the url.

I don't believe most email applications give you the ability to insert tables into emails either.

GM2.1.0 Allowed That :)


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anup123: Feb 14, 2004, 6:05 AM

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