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Re: [pugdog] top 5 search terms global
Thanks for your reply Pugdog,

I checked it but everything seems to be correct...


sub {

my (@output,$db,$sth);

$db = $DB->table('SearchLog');
$db->select_options ('ORDER BY HitCount DESC', 'LIMIT 5');
$sth = $db->select;

while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
push @output, qq~<a href="$CFG->{db_cgi_url}/search.cgi?query=$row->{Term}">$row->{Term}</a>~;
return $#output > -1 ? join('-', @output) || 'No terms yet!';


I also installed the 'SearchLogger' plug-in which works good... very weird I can't get that global to work.

Last edited by:

waxxie: May 20, 2003, 9:28 AM

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