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Gossamer Threads Inc.: Official Bug Fixes: [Links SQL 2.1.0] - Error displaying Import screen on Windows: Edit Log

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[Links SQL 2.1.0] - Error displaying Import screen on Windows

I have prepared some data to import, but when going to Database/Import/Export within the admin system I get the following message :

A fatal error has occured:
Links::Config (2180): Unable to load './Links/ConfigData.pm': No such file or directory. at D:/http/servicepals.com/cgi-bin/directory/admin/Links/Import/Interface/CGI.pm line 173.

Please enable debugging in setup for more details.

Links::Config (2180): Unable to load './Links/ConfigData.pm': No such file or directory. at D:/http/servicepals.com/cgi-bin/directory/admin/Links/Import/Interface/CGI.pm line 173.

I'm just running the normal LinksSQL 2.1.0, and am unsure what I could have done to cause this error - can anybody give me any pointers?

All the best,


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Last edited by:

Alex: Apr 19, 2002, 12:44 PM

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