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Re: [Evoir] Link of the day..
I'd like it to pull x # of articles (or link) from the categories I state, and show no duplicates.

Basically, what you will have to do is add another table called something like Links_SiteDay. This table should contain the following columns:


DayCreated (DATE, NOT NULL, NOW())

Then in the above sub that defines the global, you can add a reference to another sub or add codes within it to first, ADD a row with the LinkID chosen and the Date. Then add additional check codes to check the Links_SiteDay table to make sure that the link is not in that table.

I've done this with LINKS SQL v.1.3, but the codes, of course, are not portable to the current version of LNKS SQL.

OR add another column in the Links table called something like isSiteDay (ENUM, 'Yes,'No', NOT NULL, No). Again, you will have to write additional codes that will UPDATE this column when a LinkID is selected. The column should be updated to Yes if chosen. Then add additional check codes in the above query that Alex provided.

Buh Bye!


Last edited by:

Heckler: Nov 21, 2001, 6:18 PM

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