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Re: [ryel01] Domain structure
here's what I'm thinking and testing out now... which I think is what Winchell was asking...

I want to see the name of the domain they are using in the address/location window of the browser and only let them sign up for email for that domain when using it and also force the template selection (ie, no choices) so I can brand the domain...

In GMail.pm in sub domain_select right before this line
return ($select, $match);
I have added the following code
$select = $ENV{SERVER_NAME};
$select =~ s/^www.//gi;
$select =~ s/^mail.//gi;

now I have the main part of the domain as domain.com

I added the same thing in sub template right before this line
return \$select;

and also in sub template_set right before this line
return $t;
I added this
$t =~ s/^www.//gi;
$t =~ s/^mail.//gi;

now I am forcing my template and domain select to whatever.com that they are on and they won't have any select pulldowns to select other domains from.

Now for the templates. What I'm planning on doing is creating a new subdirectory for the templates called domain1.com and domain2.com with copies of the default templates edited for branding on that domain.

And for being able to really run the url through, just simply alias each domain you want to brand to the main domain it's installed on and now you can type in whatever domain you want, and the above steps take care of all the forcing of domains and templates to match the server name they typed in.

It seems to be okay so far, but I still have a bunch of testing to do.

Anyone have any thoughts on doing things this way.

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JerryP: Sep 13, 2001, 1:04 PM

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