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I need help installing. Nothing seems to work and I'm not Mr. UNIX.

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I need help installing. Nothing seems to work and I'm not Mr. UNIX.
"Never mind I figured it out."


Depending on how I edit the links.cfg file I get various
responses, such as, "I get the download screen to download the cgi"
or "It opens the cgi in the browser instead of executing or lots of 404 not founds"

Paths appear to the the problem so far.
Do you see where my mistakes are in the paths below?
All executables reside in sub-directories under the cgi-bin directory as per instructions.

Execution of cgi's at my ISP
typically requires a path like

I have tried to install according to the readme.txt included with the program and set file and directory permission accordingly.



# Paths and URL's to Important Stuff
# --------------------------------------------------------
# PATH and URL of Admin CGI directory. No Trailing Slash.
$db_script_path = "/cgi-bin/exec/dcds/links/admin/admin.cgi";
$db_dir_url = "http://www.leba.net/~dcds/cgi-bin/exec/dcds/links/admin";

# URL of User CGI directory. No Trailing Slash.
$db_cgi_url = "http://www.leba.net/~dcds/cgi-bin/exec/dcds/links/admin/admin.cgi";

# PATH and URL of Pages to be built. No Trailing Slash.
$build_root_path = "/usr/u1/dcds/www/finditinpa";
$build_root_url = "http://www.leba.net/~dcds/finditinpa";

[This message has been edited by dlp (edited April 17, 1999).]