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Header.txt isn't working

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Header.txt isn't working
Hi! My program is up and running, but my header.txt is not showing up. What am I doing wrong?


Thanks Much!
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Re: Header.txt isn't working In reply to

Before we can tell you what you have done wrong, we need to know what you have done to begin with. We cannot tell that by looking at the web page. We need some details.

1. Where is the header.txt file located?

2. How and where are you storing the name of the header file?

3. How do you call the header.txt file on the page where it should be appearing?

4. Are you using Links v1 or v2?

5. If using v2, are you using templates or non-templates.

6. Is this a header file for a category page or a general, system-wide header for all pages?

Once we have details, we can help solve the problem.
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Re: Header.txt isn't working In reply to
>>We need some details.<<

Makes sense! Here you go:

>>1. Where is the header.txt file located?

It is in /cgi-bin/links/admin/templates

>>2. How and where are you storing the name of the header file?

It is stored in the template folder, and it is named header.txt (I think this is what you are asking) I have been editing it from the admin menu of the links program.

>>3. How do you call the header.txt file on the page where it should be appearing?

The default is calling it as <%include header.txt%> I have not edited this yet.

>>4. Are you using Links v1 or v2?


>>5. If using v2, are you using templates or non-templates.

I am using the templates that alex created to make the pages look like they are on your site. :-)

>>6. Is this a header file for a category page or a general, system-wide header for all pages?

I'd like it to be a system wide header, but I am not sure what it is set as currently.

>>Once we have details, we can help solve the problem

Bobsie, thank you for such specific directions as to what info you need! I would not have known to give you all of that. :-)

Thanks again!