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Hits => Daily Average

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Hits => Daily Average
Alex hinted about doing this awhile back so I thought I would suggest it again.

How about a modification to convert hits to average daily hits as this is of more value - particularly in my case where I sort by hits.

What I know is that the number of hits need to be divided by ((timestamp - current time)/86400) - the latter in parentheses gives the number of days the listing has been active.

This needs to be compiled for each record and stored in an array that is accessible from the db.cgi script in the build_sorthit subroutine. That latter will also require modification to sort on the new array.

Any stabs at that.

Dan Smile

[This message has been edited by dan (edited February 01, 1999).]
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Re: Hits => Daily Average In reply to
Another desperate plea for help. A free toaster to the first person to answer the question Smile
