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Validate records

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Validate records

A while back you made a MOD the lets the admin validate a record before it's added to the database. I was looking for it, and haven't had luck finding it. Any chance you can tell me where to find it.

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No, that's not exactly correct. The mod I use sets a flag that the record is unvalidated when it is added to the database. When anyone but an admin searches the database, only validated records are returned. It may seem like a small distinction, but I think it's an important one. The records are added to the database.

I'll have to put together the mod. I have used several variations of it, depending on what clients wanted, so I have never actually put a mod together for it. (Actually, I may have, but it was a long time ago and if you were to find it on the forum, the code would probably be very poor.)

I'll get to it as soon as I can.


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Thanks. That sounds like a pretty good idea.
I'll add a hiden field
Then I would do a search on all validated=No, and make them yes. If you have a better solution, that would be great.

p.s. I notice you mention that you have made some more MODS for other sites. Do you have a place where I can see all these MODS, other then www.jpdeni.com/dbman/mods.html.

p.p.s. Expect some mail soon Smile



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Re: Validate records In reply to

No, I don't have mods listed that I have used for every client, primarily because I haven't had the time to write up the mods.

For the time being, your solution is a good one. It will at least tell you all the new records that have been added.

I will get to writing up the mods when I get the chance.


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Re: Validate records In reply to

Where in the html.pl did you put this. Kind of learning this as I go on. I want to do the same thing. I don't like the fact that the search comes back with that option open for the general user.

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Re: Validate records In reply to
You'll need to do some other things before you do this, Venice, which I have answered in your other post. First, you will need to create your own form in the html.pl file. but let's get the other things ironed out first.
