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Missing Brackets - JPDeni's Configurator

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Missing Brackets - JPDeni's Configurator
Each time I use JPDeni's DBMAN Configurator I end up with an error when attempting to access the DB for the first time. The error states I have a missing right bracket at my EOF.

A count of the left and right brackets shows a discrepancy in the generated html file. In my latest attempt, there were 12 more right brackets than left brackets.

Since the file is rather lengthy, is there a quick way to find out why this discrepancy occurs and how to resolve the problems? I like the features employed with this configurator and would like to include them in production.

Thank you.
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Re: Missing Brackets - JPDeni's Configurator In reply to
I would recommend contacting JPDeni directly with your concerns. But it is a good thing that you posted the errors you received to notify others.


Eliot Lee
Anthro TECH,L.L.C

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Re: Missing Brackets - JPDeni's Configurator In reply to
I found the problem in the "html_record" section of the generated "html.pl" file. Here's an example which applied to each qualified IF statement created by the Generator:

if ($rec{'Open9'}) {
print qq| |;
if ($per_admin) {
print qq|
<TR><TD ALIGN="Right" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="20%"><$font_color>Open9:</FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="80%"> <$font>$rec{'Open9'}</Font></TD></TR>

Note the missing right bracket in the first IF/PRINT command. I modified each line as follows:

if ($rec{'Open9'}) {
print qq|
if ($per_admin) {
print qq|
<TR><TD ALIGN="Right" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="20%"><$font_color>Open9:</FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="80%"> <$font>$rec{'Open9'}</Font></TD></TR>

.... thus providing a closing bracket for the first IF/PRINT command, and everything now works fine. JP may want to check her Generator file as this is consistent with each DB definition I created.

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Re: Missing Brackets - JPDeni's Configurator In reply to
Let me rephrase something .... I THINK I found the problem. I do not profess to be a wizard at this, so I may have actually inserted a bandaid of sorts that may cause problems later on. To wit: "It works, but...."

Consequently, confirmation of this fix would be appreciated. Thanks.
