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Invisible field question

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Invisible field question

I'm working on a database (fantastic script, btw, and JPDeni's configuator is superb!). I'd like people to post their email addresses, but don't want the results to be visible to anyone but me.

Is there a way to set that up so the email field is visible when they add their entry (and a required field), but doesn't show up when someone views listings. (also would need it to show up if a person modifies his/her own entry, so they can change email addresses if needed)

Is this possible?



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Use an if statement -

print qq|Email Address : $rec{'email'}| if ($per_admin);

(for example)

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Where do I put that? (Sorry, I know it's probably a dumb question)

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one way you can do what you want is to create a duplicate of you html.pl and call it display.pl make a duplicate of you default.cfg and make it display.cfg.

you have to modify your search script so that it displays the results using display.pl instead of html.pl than you remove the line that would generate the field you do not want vissible by unauthorized people but allows the author to log in and modify record.

I am sorry for the Vagueness of my reply, as it is something that is easier to do that it is to describe in a brief forum post. If you are not that familiar with the script, I would recomend that you pay someone to make the modifications for you, it will make your life less stressful.

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sub html_record in html.pl

Remember to end the html with |; before you add in your code, and begin it again after with print qq|

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Re: Invisible field question In reply to
Thank you so much for your help. I got the script to come up without any errors, but the email addies still show up.

This database I'm setting up is for people's personal stories (can be traumatic), and I want to afford individuals some privacy if they desire. However, I don't want someone posting 50 versions of a story or making up stories just to fill it up with "their side" (It's a controversial subject)

Maybe I should approach this a different way and eliminate email addresses except those who wish to post them, and require a username/password before they can post.

I'm still working this out in my head, trying to figure out the best way to approach it.

I appreciate you guys helping me. Thank you.


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It will show up if you are logged in as admin.

If you don't want the email address to show period, just remove that code altogether.
