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Write one db field to .txt

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Write one db field to .txt

I am using news-mod for dbman.

I need to fix so that dbman can write som fields to a simple .txt file. I need this for including headlines on my homepage. The best would be if it also stores a html-link for all the headlines. I think it is column that has http:// in it (column 7):

My db file looks like this;
3|admin|Liz Davies' web site|Sites in Action|Chris oome|chris@webarchitects.co.uk|<a href="http://www.lizdavies.org/">Liz's site</a> is where NewsMan got started!|Liz's site is basically the same as NewsMan but .````However since we don't ISP.|http://www.emaxcom.com/|07-Jul-1999

Any help is welcome!


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Re: Write one db field to .txt In reply to
1) Change the extension .db to .txt, and then change the $db_file_name configurations in the default.cfg file.

2) Use a cgi copy script that will copy the .db into a .txt file on a daily basis.


Eliot Lee
Anthro TECH,L.L.C
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