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Real Number of Links
I would like to have the real number of homepages instead of Links inside my page:


I have 100 countries and only one homepage www.google.de; then i put this link one time in every country.
Suddenly i have 100 links at my home.

More complicated:
I have continents like australie, europa,
inside europa i have 20 countries, but again i have only google.com one time in every country.
Again i have 20 links at home and 20 links in europa.

I want to have one link at home, one link for europe and one link for every country.

I just start with this quest and have still no answer how to fix this. Maybe you have an idea for my?

The real problem as an example is:

1. Continents
2. Coutries
3. Cities

To make it more complicated: We have Links in all the levels, but not always.
A link could be in europe, but in no city or in europe and countries but not in a city or only in a city or only in a country and so on. Everything is possible.

Maybe i will try it in php with arrays to get rid of the double counting of links:

select continents
select links in an array
select countries
select links in an array
select cities
select links in an array

array[catid][linksid] = should be only 1

then sum all arrays with one to the number of links for this cat.

Somewhow like this it should be possible.
Subject Author Views Date
Thread Real Number of Links Robert 2704 May 2, 2016, 9:56 AM
Post Re: [Robert] Real Number of Links
el noe 2614 May 3, 2016, 2:26 AM