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Re: [LoisC] funny characters in email
I think Lois is right.. I'm sure there's a way to tell the form what encoding to use so that the data comes from the form all "cleaned up" and properly formatted.

In the meantime I found a work-around, but it's not pretty.

Open Word and type a quote " (in Word it will be curly)

Save page as txt but don't close the file. Instead, highlight the quote and then paste it into textpad (or at least that's what I use).

You hopefully will get something like a "fat pipe" character or square box then you can do something like:

$var =~ s/[]/"/g;

use CGI::Carp qw/fatalsToBrowser/;

$var = 'β€œmeβ€œ';

$var =~ s/β€œ/"/g;

print "Content-Type: text/html;\n\n";

It probably doesn't show correctly but it works for me - where you see backward quotes in the text file is actually a black square. I uploaded it to the webserver and it actually worked!

Of course I'm sure this totatlly politically incorrect. Instead you definitely want to look into "form encoding" I think that will solve your problem.


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Watts: Feb 16, 2009, 1:56 PM

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