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Re: [SandraR] Big Learning Curb - Rant!
Hi Sandra,
Yes I can see the board is very helpful and so are the people at Gossamer. I received an email with an offer of help. I guess I expected the reaction from Gossamer to be similar to other software companies I've experienced. Once the purchase is made you're on your own. Not so with this group. They reached out to help. Now it'll be up to me to pay attention and try to learn.

You know how some people have a fear of flying? Well I have a fear of asp/php type coding. :) I've tried to learn it for several years through methods which I've learned other things - reading books. But it just hasn't sunk into my brain. HTML is so different and I'm totally comfortable with it...but...it just doesn't have the flexibility.

Anyway, I'm going to get some help and I'm sure I'll be posting more questions as time goes on. Thanks for the note of encouragement.


Last edited by:

leeann: Sep 17, 2006, 3:05 PM

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