#!/usr/bin/perl # Research into using Perl to connect to the database, to see if it exists/host exists... # Make so that it detects where you are acessig script from # add the settings sectino # make it password protected... # test it.. $webmaster = 'webmaster@ace-installer.com'; $send_mail_to_admin = 1; $sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail"; $debug = 0; # if we have debug on ,this could output helpful info... if ($debug) { use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); } # get all the input ito CGI.pm use CGI qw(:standard); $input = new CGI; # print a content header... print $input->header(); # get all the vars we will need... $action = $input->param('action'); $time = $input->param('time'); $file_name = $input->param('file_name'); $path_to_backup = $input->param('path_to_backup'); $title = $input->param('title'); $folder = $input->param('folder'); $database_name = $input->param('database_name'); $save_to = $input->param('save_to'); $username = $input->param('username'); $password = $input->param('password'); $host = $input->param('host'); $current_dir = $0; $current_dir =~ s/backup\.cgi//; # get the folder location of this script... # if being run via cron/telnet, then need to skip the below, and just straight into it! if (!$ENV{REQUEST_METHOD}) { &do_backup; } # decide what to do... if ($action eq "set_cron") { &set_cron; } elsif ($action eq "set_cron_2") { &set_cron_2; } elsif ($action eq "edit_folder") { &edit_folder_list; } elsif ($action eq "add_directory") { &add_directory; } elsif ($action eq "del_dir") { &delete_directory; } elsif ($action eq "edit_db_list") { &edit_db_list; } elsif ($action eq "add_db") { &add_db; } elsif ($action eq "del_db") { &delete_db; } else { &show_main; } #################################################### sub show_main { $message = "Please select what you want to do from the menu on your left."; # now show the message in our template... &show_page($message); } #################################################### # show HTML to set cron job... sub set_cron { $message = qq|

Please complete the form below to set up your cron job.


How often do you want the script to backup?


|; # now show the page..... &show_page($message); } # end the set_cron sub... #################################################### sub set_cron_2 { $script_path = $ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'}; if ($time eq "daily") { $command_to_add = "0 1 * * * perl $script_path\n"; # run at 1am, daily... } # end 'if' if ($time eq "weekly") { $command_to_add = "0 0 * * 0 perl $script_path\n"; # run every Sunday, at midnight } # end 'if' if ($time eq "monthly") { $command_to_add = "0 0 1 * * perl $script_path\n"; # set to run every month, on the 1st, at midnight } # end 'if' if ($time eq "annually") { $command_to_add = "0 0 1 1 * perl $script_path\n"; # set to run at Jan 1st, at midnight } # end 'if' # now get the old crontab... `crontab -l > cron_list.list`; open(CRON_LIST, "cron_list.list") || &error("Unable to open cron_list.list...reason: $!"); @array = ; close(CRON_LIST); foreach $cron (@array) { @exploded_cron = split /\:\:+/, $cron; # explode it...so we can compare values and stuff... if ($exploded_cron[6] eq "$script_path") { $back_in .= $command_to_add; $found = 1; } else { $back_in .= $cron unless $cron =~ /^#/; } # end if statement... } # end foreach # if we didn't find it in the other list (and thus edit it), we add it to $back_in here... if (!$found) { $back_in .= $command_to_add; } chmod(0666, "cron_list.list"); # incase its not CHMODed to 666...we'll add this... open(WRITE_CRON, ">cron_list.list") || &error("Can't write to cron_list.list. Reason: $!"); print WRITE_CRON $back_in; close(WRITE_CRON); # update the cron list... $location = $current_dir . "cron_list.list"; if ($debug) { print $location; } open PIPE, "crontab $location |"; @res = ; close PIPE or $bad = "$?,$!"; if ($bad) { $report = "ERROR: Could not update crontab. Reason: $bad"; } else { $report = "Updated cron Cron has been updated successfully to be run $time"; } #`crontab -e < cron_list.list`; &show_page($report); } #################################################### sub edit_folder_list { # see if the file exists...and if it does, we need to make up some extra HTML stuff for the ones that exist... #if (-e "folder.pl" && -z "folder.pl") { $exists = 1; } else { $exists = 0; } $exists = -z "folder.pl"; if (!$exists) { open(FOLDERS,"folder.pl") || &error("Unable to open folder.pl. Reason: $!"); @folders = ; close(FOLDERS); foreach (@folders) { @divided = split /\:\:/, $_; $folder_path = $divided[0]; $folder_name = $divided[1]; $existing_folders .= qq|



[ Delete ]

|; } # end foreach } else { $existing_folders = "
There are no existing folders...
"; }# end if } # define the form, as well as any other folders that may exist... $message = qq|

Path to backup :

File name :  

Path to Backup

(i.e /home/folder/...needs beginning and trailing /)

File Name

 (i.e filename will be made as filename.tar.gz)


|; # now shoow the template... &show_page($message); #################################################### sub add_directory { if (!$file_name) { &error("Can't add directory, as you didn't provide a file to back it up to!"); } if (!$path_to_back) { &error("Can't add directory, as you didn't provide one!"); } unless (-e $path_to_back) { &error("Can't add directory, as it doesn't appear to exist!"); } open(FOLDER, ">>folder.pl") || &error("Unable to write to folder.pl. Reason: $!"); print FOLDER "$path_to_backup\:\:$file_name\n"; close(FOLDER); $message = "Added $file_name ($path_to_backup)..."; &show_page($message); } # end sub... #################################################### sub delete_directory { open(FOLDER_LIST,"folder.pl") || &error("Unable to open folder.pl. Reason: $!"); @list = ; close(FOLDER_LIST); foreach $line (@list) { chomp $line; if ($line eq "$folder\:\:$title") { } else { $put_back .= $line . "\n"; } } open(FOLDER_BACK,">folder.pl") || &error("Unable to open folder.pl. Reason: $!"); print FOLDER_BACK $put_back; close(FOLDER_BACK); $message = "Directory '$title', deleted successfully..."; &show_page($message); } #################################################### sub edit_db_list { # see if the file exists...and if it does, we need to make up some extra HTML stuff for the ones that exist... $exists = -z "databases.pl" ? 1 : 0; if (!$exists) { open(DATABASES,"databases.pl") || &error("Unable to open databases.pl. Reason: $!"); @databases = ; close(DATABASES); # database is in format of Database::file_name_for_saving::usewrname::password::host foreach (@databases) { @divided = split /\:\:/, $_; $database_name = $divided[0]; $save_to = $divided[1]; $username = $divided[2]; $password = $divided[3]; $host = $divided[4]; $existing_databases .= qq|






[ Delete ]

|; } # end foreach } else { $existing_databases = "
There are no existing databases...
"; }# end if # define the form, as well as any other folders that may exist... $show_message = qq|

Existing database to be backed up can be found at the bottom of the page...

Database Name :
Backup name    :
Username         :
Password         :
Host               :

Database Name

This is the name of the database you want to back up. i.e test_db

Backup Name

This is what you want the backup to be called. If, for example, you enter 'test', then
the backup that will be made is called test.sql.backup


This is the username that is needed to backup this database. Should be the same as previously used
when accessing the database via other script.


This is the password corresponding to the username above.


This is where the SQL server is hosted. In most cases it is localhost, but some
may have another name, or even URL.


|; # now shoow the template... &show_page($show_message); } ################################################### sub add_db { # check they entered it all ok :p if (!$database_name || !$save_to || !$username || !$password || !$host) { &error("Can't add database, as you didn't provide all the required information!"); } # add the database to the list... open(FOLDER, ">>databases.pl") || &error("Unable to write to databases.pl. Reason: $!"); print FOLDER "$database_name\:\:$save_to\:\:$username\:\:$password\:\:$host\n"; close(FOLDER); $message = "Added $database_name (saving to $save_to)..."; &show_page($message); } ################################################### sub delete_db { open(FOLDER_LIST,"databases.pl") || &error("Unable to open databases.pl. Reason: $!"); @list = ; close(FOLDER_LIST); foreach $line (@list) { chomp $line; if ($line eq "$database_name\:\:$save_to\:\:$username\:\:$password\:\:$host") { } else { $put_back .= $line . "\n"; } } open(FOLDER_BACK,">databases.pl") || &error("Unable to open databases.pl. Reason: $!"); print FOLDER_BACK $put_back; close(FOLDER_BACK); $message = "Database '$database_name', deleted successfully..."; &show_page($message); } #################################################### #################################################### # do the backup... sub do_backup { # DO THE SQL DATABASES... # first of all do the $path_to_db = $current_dir . "databases.pl"; chmod(0666, "$path_to_db"); open(DATABASE_LIST,"$path_to_db") || &mail_error("Unable to open $path_to_db. Reason: $!"); @databases = ; close(DATABASE_LIST); foreach (@databases) { chomp; @divided = split /\:\:/, $_; $database_name = $divided[0]; $save_to = $divided[1]; $username = $divided[2]; $password = $divided[3]; $host = $divided[4]; print "Backing up $database_name\n"; $results_database .= "Results for database '$database_name' (nothing is normally good) :: \n"; $bad = 0; # reset for each loop... open PIPE, "mysqldump -u$username -p$password $database_name > $current_dir$save_to.sql.dump |"; @res = ; close PIPE or $bad = "$?,$!"; if ($bad) { $report = "ERROR: Could not backup '$database_name' database!"; } else { $report = "Backed Up '$database_name' to '$save_to'"; } $results_database .= "$report \n\n"; } # NOW THE FOLDERS! # first of all do the $path_to_folder = $current_dir . "folder.pl"; chmod(0666, $path_to_folder); open(FOLDER_LIST,$path_to_folder) || &mail_error("Unable to open $path_to_folder. Reason: $!"); @folders = ; close(FOLDER_LIST); foreach (@folders) { chomp; @divided = split /\:\:/, $_; $folder_path = $divided[0]; $folder_name = $divided[1]; print "Backing up $folder_name\n"; $results_database .= "Results for folder '$folder_name'\n"; $bad = 0; # reset for each loop... open PIPE, "tar -cf $folder_name.tar $folder_path |"; @res = ; close PIPE or $bad = "$?,$!"; if ($bad) { $report = "ERROR: Could not backup '$folder_path' to '$folder_name'"; } else { $report = "Backed Up '$folder_path' to '$folder_name.tar.gz'"; } `gzip -c $folder_name.tar > $current_dir$folder_name.tar.gz`; $results_database .= "$report \n\n"; } # if they want an email, then send it here... if ($send_mail_to_admin) { open(MAIL,"|$sendmail -t"); print MAIL "To: $webmaster \n"; print MAIL "From: $webmaster \n"; print MAIL "Reply-to: $webmaster \n"; print MAIL "Subject: RE Backup...\n\n"; print MAIL "Here is the resuilts of your server backup. It did both MySQL and Folder backups. \n\n$results_database\n"; print MAIL "\n \n Thanks"; print MAIL "\n"; print MAIL "A.J.Newby \n"; print MAIL "Ace Installer \n"; close(MAIL); } print "done backup"; exit; # stop it here, otherwise it will carry on showing HTML :) } #################################################### sub show_page { my $CONTENT = shift; print qq| Ace Backup

Ace Backup



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|; exit; # shuit script off...just cos some other subs were being buggers :p } #################################################### #################################################### # if we get a problem, then we need this sub... sub error { my $error = shift; print $error; exit; } ################################################### # if we get a major problem during the cron, then we need this sub... sub mail_error { my $error = shift; print $error; open(MAIL,"|$sendmail -t"); print MAIL "To: $webmaster \n"; print MAIL "From: $webmaster \n"; print MAIL "Reply-to: $webmaster \n"; print MAIL "Subject: RE Backup...\n\n"; print MAIL "There was an error doing the backups. It was: \n\n $error\n"; print MAIL "\n \n Thanks"; print MAIL "\n"; print MAIL "A.J.Newby \n"; print MAIL "Ace Installer \n"; close(MAIL); exit; }