# ------------- # Links # ------------- # Links Manager # # File: site_html.pl # Description: This library contains all the HTML that will be generated in # the finished directory. # Author: Alex Krohn # Email: alex@gossamer-threads.com # Web: http://www.gossamer-threads.com/ # Version: 2.01 # # (c) 1998 Gossamer Threads Inc. # # This script is not freeware! Please read the README for full details # on registration and terms of use. # ===================================================================== # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # The HTML in this file and the style sheet (links.css) have been authored # by Chris Croome of webarchitects. # # Email: chris@atomism.demon.co.uk # Web: http://www.webarchitects.co.uk/ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # You can put variables here that you would like to use in any # of your templates. %globals = ( date => &get_date, time => &get_time, db_cgi_url => $db_cgi_url, build_root_url => $build_root_url, site_title => $build_site_title, css => $build_css_url, banner => '' ); sub site_html_link { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine is used to display what a link should look # like. my %rec = @_; # Set new and pop to either 1 or 0 for templates. ($rec{'isNew'} eq 'Yes') ? ($rec{'isNew'} = 1) : (delete $rec{'isNew'}); ($rec{'isPopular'} eq 'Yes') ? ($rec{'isPopular'} = 1) : (delete $rec{'isPopular'}); return &load_template ('link.html', { detailed_url => "$db_detailed_url/$rec{'ID'}$build_extension", %rec, %globals }); } sub site_html_home { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine will build a home page. It is not meant to have any # links on it, only subcategories. return &load_template ('home.html', { category => $category, grand_total => $grand_total, %globals }); } sub site_html_new { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine will build a what's new page. return &load_template ('new.html', { total => $total, grand_total => $grand_total, link_results => $link_results, title_linked => $title_linked, %globals } ); } sub site_html_cool { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine will build a what's new page. return &load_template ('cool.html', { total => $total, grand_total => $grand_total, percent => $percent, link_results => $link_results, title_linked => $title_linked, %globals } ); } sub site_html_detailed { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine will build a single page per link. It's only # really useful if you have a long review for each link -- # or more information then can be displayed in a summary. # my %rec = @_; return &load_template ('detailed.html', { total => $total, grand_total => $grand_total, title_linked => $title_linked, %rec, %globals } ); } sub site_html_category { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This rountine will build a page based for the current category. return &load_template ( 'category.html', { date => $date, time => $time, category => $category, links => $links, title_linked => $title_linked, title => $title, short_title => &short_title_gen($title), total => $total, grand_total => $grand_total, category_name => $category_name, category_name_escaped => $category_name_escaped, category_clean => $category_clean, description => $description, meta_name => $meta_name, meta_keywords => $meta_keywords, header => $header, footer => $footer, prev => $prev, next => $next, related => $related, build_links_per_page => $build_links_per_page, %globals } ); } sub site_html_ratings { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine determines how the top rated page will look like. return &load_template ( 'rate_top.html', { top_rated => $top_rated, top_votes => $top_votes, %globals }); } ######################################################################################## # THE FOLLOWING ARE CGI GENERATED PAGES AND THE TEMPLATE MUST BE PRINTED, NOT RETURNED!# ######################################################################################## sub site_html_add_form { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine determines how the add form page will look like. # &html_print_headers; my $category = shift; $category ? ($category = qq~$category ~) : ($category = &build_select_field ("Category", "$in{'Category'}")); print &load_template ('add.html', { Category => $category, %globals }); } sub site_html_add_success { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine determines how the add success page will look like. &html_print_headers; print &load_template ('add_success.html', { %in, %globals }); } sub site_html_add_failure { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine determines how the add failure page will look like. my ($errormsg) = shift; $in{'Category'} ? ($in{'Category'} = qq~$in{'Category'}~) : ($in{'Category'} = &build_select_field ("Category")); &html_print_headers; print &load_template ('add_error.html', { error => $errormsg, %in, %globals }); } sub site_html_modify_form { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine determines how the modify form page will look like. my $category = &build_select_field ("Category", "$in{'Category'}"); &html_print_headers; print &load_template ('modify.html', { Category => $category, %globals }); } sub site_html_modify_success { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine determines how the modify success page will look like. &html_print_headers; print &load_template ('modify_success.html', { %in, %globals }); } sub site_html_modify_failure { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine determines how the modify failure page will look like. my $errormsg = shift; $in{'Category'} = &build_select_field ("Category", $in{'Category'}); &html_print_headers; print &load_template ('modify_error.html', { error => $errormsg, %in, %globals }); } sub site_html_search_results { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine displays the search results. # my $term = &urlencode ($in{'query'}); &html_print_headers; print &load_template ('search_results.html', { term => $term, link_results => $link_results, category_results => $category_results, next => $next, cat_hits => $cat_hits, link_hits => $link_hits, %in, %globals }); } sub site_html_search_failure { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine displays a failed search page with error in $error. # my $error = shift; my $term = &urlencode ($in{'query'}); &html_print_headers; print &load_template ('search_error.html', { term => $term, error => $error, %in, %globals }); } sub site_html_search_form { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine displays the search form. &html_print_headers; print &load_template ('search.html', { term => $term, error => $error, %in, %globals }); } sub site_html_mailing { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine displays your mailing list subscribe/unsubscribe form. # my $action = shift; my $message; ($action eq 'subscribe') and ($message = qq~You've been successfully subscribed to the mailing list!~); ($action eq 'unsubscribe') and ($message = qq~You've been successfully removed from the mailing list!~); &html_print_headers; print &load_template ('email.html', { message => $message, %in, %globals }); } sub site_html_mailing_error { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine is displayed if there was a problem subscribing. # my $error = shift; &html_print_headers(); print &load_template ('email_error.html', { error => $error, %in, %globals }); } sub site_html_rate_form { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine determines how the rate form page will look like. # my %rec = @_; &html_print_headers; print &load_template ('rate.html', { %rec, %globals }); } sub site_html_rate_success { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine determines how the rate success page will look like. &html_print_headers; print &load_template ('rate_success.html', { %in, %globals }); } sub site_html_rate_failure { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine determines how the rate failure page will look like. my ($errormsg) = shift; &html_print_headers; print &load_template ('rate_error.html', { error => $errormsg, %in, %globals }); } ######################################################################################## # THE FOLLOWING DETERMINES YOUR CATEGORY LISTING, IT'S NOT TEMPLATE BASED (YET)! # ######################################################################################## sub site_html_print_cat { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine determines how the list of categories will look. # We now use a table to split the category name up into two columns. # For each category you can use the following variables: # # $url : The URL to go to that category # $category_name : The category name with _ and / removed. # $category_descriptions{$subcat}: The category description (if any). # $numlinks : The number of links inside that category (and subcategories). # $mod : The newest link inside of that category. # my (@subcat) = @_; my ($url, $numlinks, $mod, $subcat, $category_name, $description, $output, $i); my ($half) = int (($#subcat+2) / 2); # Print Header. $output = qq|
\n|; foreach $subcat (sort @subcat) { ($description) = @{$category{$subcat}}[2]; # First let's get the name, number of links, and last modified date... $url = "$build_root_url/" . &urlencode($subcat) . "/"; if ($subcat =~ m,.*/([^/]+)$,) { $category_name = &build_clean($1); } else { $category_name = &build_clean($subcat); } $numlinks = $stats{"$subcat"}[0]; $mod = $stats{"$subcat"}[1]; # We check to see if we are half way through, if so we stop this table cell # and begin a new one (this lets us have category names in two columns). if ($i == $half) { $output .= qq|\n|; } $i++; # Then we print out the name linked, new if it's new, and popular if its popular. $output .= qq|
$category_name ($numlinks) |; $output .= qq|new| if (&days_old($mod) < $db_new_cutoff); $output .= qq|
|; $output .= qq|
| if (!($description =~ /^[\s\n]*$/)); $output .= qq|
|; } # Don't forget to end the unordered list.. $output .= "
\n"; return $output; } # this is where we generate a title for the category... sub short_title_gen { my $title = $_[0]; my @spliced = split /\// , $title; return $spliced[$#spliced]; } 1;