<%GForum::Config::load_vars%> <%set header_title = "Setup: Path and URL Settings"%> <%set header_description = "These are the only paths you should need to set in the program. Most should be set properly and should not require changing."%> <%include admin_header.html%>
Path and URL Settings
This should be the URL (start with http://) to the directory where your admin files are. No trailing slash please.
This should be the absolute PATH (starts with a / or a drive letter) to the directory where your admin files are. No trailing slash please.
This should be the URL to the path where gforum.cgi is located. No trailing slash please.
This should be the absolute PATH (starts with a / or a drive letter) to the directory where gforum.cgi is located. No trailing slash please.
This should be the path to perl. Windows users should use drive letter as well.
This should be the URL to the image directory. It can be either relative (/pics) or absolute (http://server/pics).
This should be the absolute PATH (starts with a / or a drive letter) to the directory where images are stored. This should be the same directory accessed by the above image_url variable. No trailing slash please.
FileMan Root Directory. Included in Gossamer Forum is a copy of FileMan that you can use to manage files from the web. It defaults to your Gossamer Forum admin directory, but you can change it here.