<%doctype%> <%-- File : review_add.html Description : This file displays an add review form to the user. Tags : This template has all the properties of a link and of a review of this link available, plus: confirm_add => confirm if the user want to overwrite their last review error => If there was a problem adding a review, this tag will contain an error message. --%> <%site_title%>: Add a Review <%css%> <%body_tag%> <%include include_header.html%> <%body_table%> <%include include_menu.html%><%include include_search_bar_rest.html%>
<%body_font%>Menu <%header_font%> Add a Review:<%/header_font%>
<%include include_menu_table.html%>
<%if URL%>
<%include link.html%><%endif%>
<%if confirm_add%> <%else%> <%if anonymous%> <%endif%> <%endif%>
Our records show that you have previously rated or commented on this script, so we are making sure you wish to overwrite those previous submissions.

<%body_font%> <%if error%>

<%endif%> Please completely fill out the form below, and we'll add your review as soon as possible.

<%body_font%>Your Rating: checked<%endif%>> <%body_font%>1 checked<%endif%>> <%body_font%>2 checked<%endif%>> <%body_font%>3 checked<%endif%>> <%body_font%>4 checked<%endif%>> <%body_font%>5
<%body_font%>By Line:
<%body_font%>Write a review: <%body_font%>
<%body_font%>Your Name:
<%body_font%>Your Email:

<%if ID%> > <%endif%>

<%include include_menu.html%> <%include include_footer.html%>