# ================================================================== # Gossamer Forum - Advanced web community # # Website : http://gossamer-threads.com/ # Support : http://gossamer-threads.com/scripts/support/ # Revision : $Id: Authenticate.pm,v 2003/02/09 04:09:59 jagerman Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2003 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved. # Redistribution in part or in whole strictly prohibited. Please # see LICENSE file for full details. # ================================================================== # # This module lets you integrate Gossamer Forum into another authentication # system. You can do this by replacing the functions with your own code. # Note: on any error, be sure to set $Auth_Error to the appropriate error # message. # package GForum::Authenticate; # ================================================================== use strict; use GForum qw/:forum :user $DB $IN $CFG $USER $GUEST $SESSION $SESSION_TYPE %HIDDEN/; use GT::Session::SQL; use GT::Plugins; use GT::AutoLoader; use vars qw/$VERSION @EXPORT $STH $Auth_Error %AUTH_FORUM_CACHE/; # Rely on %AUTH_FORUM_CACHE being cleared in GForum::init() q$Revision: $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+)\.(\d+))/; $VERSION = sprintf "%d.%03d", $1, $2 + ($3 || 0) + ($4 || 0); sub auth { # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Runs the request auth function through the plugin system. # my ($auth, @args) = @_; $Auth_Error = undef; my $sub = "auth_$auth"; no strict 'refs'; defined &{$sub} or exists $COMPILE{$sub} or die "Invalid authenticate method: $sub called."; GT::Plugins->dispatch($CFG->{admin_root_path} . '/Plugins/GForum', $sub, sub { $sub->(@_) }, @args); } sub auth_init { # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # This function is guaranteed to be called before any other authentication # function, but may be called multiple times during one request. # return 1; } $COMPILE{auth_add_user} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub auth_add_user { # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # This function is called when a user is requesting to be added to # the database. It receives a hash reference of the user information # that is going to be added, and should return either the hash # reference (with any necessary modifications made), or undef to # indicate failure. # my $args = shift; return $args; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{auth_del_user} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub auth_del_user { # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # This function is called when a user is being deleted. It returns 1 # if the user is allowed to be deleted, 0/undef otherwise. my $user_id = shift; return 1; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{auth_disable_user} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub auth_disable_user { # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # This function is called whenever the admin is attempting to disable # a user through the admin. # A single number is passed in - the user_id field from the User # table. This subroutine should return 1 to allow the user to be # disabled, or 0/undef to indicate that the user should not be # disabled. # my $user_id = shift; return 1; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{auth_valid_user} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub auth_valid_user { # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # This function returns 1 if the user/pass combo is valid, 0/undef # otherwise. If the user is valid, this subroutine will also set the # global variable $GForum::USER. Note that if the user is disabled or # the password is incorrect (or not set), this will return false and # will set $GForum::USER to undef. # This function checks the password against the user_password field, then # the user_temp_pass field. If either one matches and the user_temp_pass # field is set, it is deleted. my $username = shift; return unless defined $username and length $username; return unless defined(my $password = shift); if (!$USER or $USER->{user_username} ne $username) { # If $USER isn't set, or isn't correct, correct it. $USER = $DB->table('User')->select({ user_username => $username })->fetchrow_hashref or return; } my $return; my $password_good = 0; if ($CFG->{user_passwords_encrypted}) { $password_good = ($USER->{user_password} and check_crypt_pass($USER->{user_password}, $password)); if ($USER->{user_temp_pass}) { if ($password_good or $password_good = check_crypt_pass($USER->{user_temp_pass}, $password)) { $DB->table('User')->update({ user_temp_pass => undef }, { user_id => $USER->{user_id} }); } } } else { $password_good = $password eq $USER->{user_password}; if ($USER->{user_temp_pass}) { if ($password_good or $password_good = $password eq $USER->{user_temp_pass}) { $DB->table('User')->update({ user_temp_pass => undef }, { user_id => $USER->{user_id} }); } } } if ($password_good and $USER->{user_enabled} and not $USER->{user_val_code} and $USER->{user_admin_validated} and $USER->{user_status} > ANONYMOUS) { $return = 1; } elsif ($password_good and not $USER->{user_enabled}) { $Auth_Error = GForum::language('LOGIN_DISABLED'); $USER = $return = undef; } elsif ($password_good and ($USER->{user_val_code} or not $USER->{user_admin_validated})) { $Auth_Error = GForum::language('LOGIN_NOT_VALIDATED'); $USER = $return = undef; } elsif ($password_good and $USER->{user_status} <= ANONYMOUS) { $Auth_Error = GForum::language('LOGIN_INVALID_USERNAME_PASSWORD'); $USER = $return = undef; } else { $Auth_Error = GForum::language('LOGIN_INVALID_USERNAME_PASSWORD'); $USER = $return = undef; } return $return; } END_OF_SUB # Takes two arguments - an encrypted password (13 character crypt(), or 35-character MD5 crypt) # and a plain text password. Returns true if the password verifies successfully. $COMPILE{check_crypt_pass} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub check_crypt_pass { my ($encrypted, $plaintext) = @_; my $password_good; if (length($encrypted) == 13) { # use crypt() $password_good = ($encrypted eq crypt($plaintext, $encrypted)); } elsif (length($encrypted) == 35) { # use gt_md5_crypt() require GT::MD5::Crypt; $password_good = ($encrypted eq GT::MD5::Crypt::gt_md5_crypt($plaintext, $encrypted)); } $password_good; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{auth_change_username} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub auth_change_username { # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # This function takes 1 argument - the new username (The old one is # taken from $USER). This sets $Auth_Error and returns 0/undef if the # user is not able to change the username, or returns 1 if the change # is acceptable. # my $new_username = shift; return unless auth('valid_username', $new_username); $CFG->{username_allow_change} or $Auth_Error = GForum::language('USERNAME_CANT_CHANGE'), return; return 1; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{auth_valid_username} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub auth_valid_username { # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # This function returns 1 if the username format is valid, 0/undef # otherwise. This function also checks that the username has not been # reserved and that it isn't already taken. # return unless defined(my $username = shift); length $username or $Auth_Error = GForum::language('USERNAME_NOT_ENTERED'), return; my $max_length = ($CFG->{username_max_length} and $CFG->{username_max_length} <= 50 and $CFG->{username_max_length} >= 1) ? $CFG->{username_max_length} : 50; my $min_length = !$CFG->{username_min_length} ? 1 : $CFG->{username_min_length} > $max_length ? $max_length : $CFG->{username_min_length} >= 1 ? $CFG->{username_min_length} : 1; length $username > $max_length and $Auth_Error = GForum::language('USERNAME_TOO_LONG', $max_length), return; length $username < $min_length and $Auth_Error = GForum::language('USERNAME_TOO_SHORT', $min_length), return; # Now check to see if the username is reserved or banned for (@{$CFG->{reserved_usernames}}) { lc eq lc $username and $Auth_Error = GForum::language('USERNAME_RESERVED'), return; } my $invalid = $CFG->{username_invalid_chars} ? '\x00-\x1f' . _cc_escape($CFG->{username_invalid_chars}) : '\x00-\x1f'; $username =~ /[$invalid]/ and $Auth_Error = GForum::language('USERNAME_INVALID_CHARS'), return; $username =~ /^\s/ and $Auth_Error = GForum::language('USERNAME_LEADING_SPACES'), return; $username =~ /\s$/ and $Auth_Error = GForum::language('USERNAME_TRAILING_SPACES'), return; $DB->table('User')->count({ user_username => $username }) and $Auth_Error = GForum::language('USERNAME_EXISTS', $username), return; return 1; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{auth_change_pass} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub auth_change_pass { # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # This function is called when changing the password. $USER must be # set prior to calling this function (to access the user information). # The function should return 1 to allow the password to be changed, # 0/undef to not allow it. $Auth_Error should be set with the reason # if it is not allowed! # my $new_pass = shift; return 1; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{auth_change_temp_pass} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub auth_change_temp_pass { # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Just like auth_change_pass, except it is for the user_temp_pass # column. # my $new_temp_pass = shift; return 1; } END_OF_SUB sub auth_run_command { # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is passed the action requested and the associated hash ref in # $CFG->{functions}. # This returns 1 if the user is allowed to run the function, -1 if the # user is banned from the function (a forum ban), 0/undef otherwise. # The minimum forum permission returns 1 if it is reasonable to assume # that an error will be caused if the function goes through - such as # when a post does not exist. # my ($do, $function) = @_; return 1 unless $function->{min_user_status} or (ref $function->{user_groups} and keys %{$function->{user_groups}}) or $function->{min_forum_permission} or $function->{disabled}; return undef if $function->{disabled}; if ($function->{min_user_status} and (not $USER or $USER->{user_status} < $function->{min_user_status})) { return undef; } if ($function->{min_forum_permission}) { if (substr($do, 0, 5) eq 'forum') { my $forum_id = $IN->param('forum') or return; my $forum_perm = auth('forum_permission', $forum_id); if ($forum_perm == FORUM_PERM_BANNED) { return -1; } elsif ($forum_perm < $function->{min_forum_permission}) { return; } } elsif ($do ne 'post_view') { # post_view will always call post_view_somethingelse my ($param, $type); if ($function->{_auth_redo}) { my @redos = split /\|/, $function->{_auth_redo}; my @params = split /\|/, $function->{_auth_param}; my @types = split /\|/, $function->{_auth_type}; for (0 .. $#redos) { if ($redos[$_] eq $IN->param('redo')) { $type = $types[$_]; $param = $params[$_]; } } return unless $type and $param; } $type ||= $function->{_auth_type}; $param ||= $function->{_auth_param}; my ($forum_id, $post_id); # The following is here to get one of these, and ultimately, $forum_id if ($type and $param) { if ($type eq 'post') { $post_id = $IN->param($param); } elsif ($type eq 'postatt') { my $postatt_id = $IN->param($param); my $postatt = $DB->table('PostAttachment')->get($postatt_id, 'ARRAY', ['post_id_fk']) or return 1; # This is OKAY - the attachment does not exist, so they'll get some kind of error $post_id = $postatt->[0]; } elsif ($type eq 'forum') { $forum_id = $IN->param($param); } elsif ($type eq 'forum&post') { ($forum_id, $post_id) = map $IN->param($_), split '&', $param; } } else { $post_id = $IN->param('post'); $forum_id = $IN->param('forum'); if ($post_id and $forum_id) { return; # Someone is probably trying to break this, but it won't work! } elsif (!$post_id and !$forum_id) { return; # Minimum forum permission is set, but there doesn't seem to be any # way to get it, so what choice do we have but to refuse access? } } if ($type eq 'forum&post') { # this special case needs to get permission for both a forum and a post, which will have a different forum_id # Something that uses this: thread moving and detaching my $post = $DB->table('Post')->get($post_id, 'ARRAY', ['forum_id_fk']) or return; my $forum = $DB->table('Forum')->get($forum_id, 'ARRAY', ['forum_id']) or return; my $forum_id_2 = $post->[0] or return; $forum_id = $forum->[0] or return; my ($min_f, $min_p) = split /&/, $function->{min_forum_permission}; return unless _forum_perm($forum_id, $min_f); return unless _forum_perm($forum_id_2, $min_p); } else { if ($post_id and not $forum_id) { my $post = $DB->table('Post')->get($post_id, 'ARRAY', ['forum_id_fk']) or return 1; # The post doesn't exist, so they'll hopefully get some kind of error $forum_id = $post->[0]; } return unless $forum_id; return unless _forum_perm($forum_id, $function->{min_forum_permission}); } } } if (ref $function->{user_groups} and keys %{$function->{user_groups}} and (!$USER or $USER->{user_status} != ADMINISTRATOR)) { return if !$USER; # There isn't a user, but this is restricted to certain user groups my $ug_table = $DB->table('UserGroup'); my $found; for (keys %{$function->{user_groups}}) { next unless $function->{user_groups}->{$_}; $found++, last if $ug_table->count({ user_id_fk => $USER->{user_id}, group_id_fk => $_ }); } return unless $found; } # Wow! We got through all that! return 1; # Here's the prize! } sub auth_valid_session { # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # This function checks to see if there is a valid session. It checks # the CGI parameter 'session' for a session ID first, then the cookie # parameter 'session'. If the session found is valid, this function # sets the global $GForum::USER with a hash ref of the users details # and returns 1. undef is returned for invalid (possibly expired) # sessions. This function will also check that the user_id actually # exists. # # Note: $SESSION_TYPE, if set, must be one of: param, cookie, or remember my $param_session = $IN->param('session'); my $cookie_session = $IN->cookie($CFG->{cookie_prefix} . 'session'); my $remember_me = $IN->cookie($CFG->{cookie_prefix} . 'remember'); return unless $param_session or $cookie_session or $remember_me; # Clean old sessions only once / session_timeout. The cleanup isn't time critical - # GT::Session::SQL makes sure that a session's date is valid before returning it to us. if ($CFG->{session_timeout} and $CFG->{last_session_cleanup} + 60 * $CFG->{session_timeout} < time) { $CFG->{last_session_cleanup} = time; $CFG->save(); GT::Session::SQL->new({ tb => $DB->table('Session') })->cleanup(60 * $CFG->{session_timeout}); } my ($session_id, $session_type); if ($param_session) { $session_type = 'param'; $session_id = $param_session; } elsif ($cookie_session) { $session_type = 'cookie'; $session_id = $cookie_session; } if ($session_id and my $session = GT::Session::SQL->new($session_id, $DB->table('Session'))) { # a valid existing session if ($DB->table('User')->count({ user_id => $session->{info}->{session_user_id}, user_enabled => 1 })) { my $user_id = $session->{info}->{session_user_id}; $USER = $DB->table('User')->get($user_id); $HIDDEN{session} = $session->{info}->{session_id} unless $session_type eq 'cookie'; $SESSION_TYPE = $remember_me ? 'remember' : $session_type; $SESSION = $session; return $USER ? 1 : undef; } else { # there is a session set for an invalid user (doesn't exist or is disabled); delete the session. $DB->table('Session')->delete({ session_id => $session->{info}->{session_id} }); $USER = undef; $SESSION = $SESSION_TYPE = undef; return; } } elsif ($remember_me) { # They have the "Remember Me" enabled, but no session cookie set, so we need to set one! if (my $remember = GT::Session::SQL->new({ session_id => $remember_me, expires => 0, tb => $DB->table('Remember') })) { if ($DB->table('User')->count({ user_id => $remember->{info}->{session_user_id}, user_enabled => 1, user_val_code => '', user_admin_validated => 1 })) { my $user_id = $remember->{info}->{session_user_id}; $USER = $DB->table('User')->get($user_id); my ($usernew, $userlast); my $sth = $DB->table('UserNew')->select('forum_id_fk', 'usernew_last' => { user_id_fk => $USER->{user_id} }); while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) { $usernew->{$row->[0]} = $row->[1]; $userlast->{$row->[0]} = $row->[1]; } my $session_data = { usernew => $usernew, userlast => $userlast, login_time => time, prior_last_seen => $USER->{user_last_seen} }; # Now read the read posts from the PostNew table $sth = $DB->table('PostNew')->select('forum_id_fk', 'post_id_fk', 'root_id_fk', { user_id_fk => $USER->{user_id} }); while (my ($fid, $pid, $rid) = $sth->fetchrow) { $session_data->{posts}->{$fid}->{$pid} = time; # Consider the session creation time to be the time the posts were viewed $session_data->{roots}->{$fid}->{$rid} = time; # Have to keep track of the root as well } $SESSION = GT::Session::SQL->new({ tb => $DB->table('Session'), session_user_id => $USER->{user_id}, session_date => time, session_data => $session_data }); $SESSION->save(); # Print out the cookie header. The content-type header will be printed later. print $IN->cookie(-name => $CFG->{cookie_prefix} . 'session', -value => $SESSION->{info}->{session_id}, -path => $CFG->{cookie_path} )->cookie_header, "\n"; if ($CFG->{cookie_domain}) { print $IN->cookie(-name => $CFG->{cookie_prefix} . 'session', -value => $SESSION->{info}->{session_id}, -path => $CFG->{cookie_path}, -domain => $CFG->{cookie_domain} )->cookie_header, "\n"; } $SESSION_TYPE = 'remember'; $DB->table('User')->update({ user_last_logon => time }, { user_id => $user_id }); return 1; } else { # The user has been deleted or disabled $DB->table('Remember')->delete({ session_id => $remember->{info}->{session_id} }); print $IN->cookie(-name => $CFG->{cookie_prefix} . 'remember', -value => $remember->{info}->{session_id}, -path => $CFG->{cookie_path}, -expires => "-1y")->cookie_header, "\n"; if ($CFG->{cookie_domain}) { print $IN->cookie(-name => $CFG->{cookie_prefix} . 'remember', -value => $remember->{info}->{session_id}, -path => $CFG->{cookie_path}, -expires => "-1y", -domain => $CFG->{cookie_domain})->cookie_header, "\n"; } return; } } } return; } $COMPILE{auth_create_session} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub auth_create_session { # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # This function creates a session for the current $GForum::USER. # If a redirect header is going to be printed, it is printed and 1 # is returned. Otherwise, 0 or undef is returned. This function # always prints a header - by default it uses text/html, however you # can modify it by using the CGI paramater "content-type" # return unless $USER and $USER->{user_id}; # Don't do anything if there isn't someone to do something with # Create a new session and save the information. # A session is a hashref like this: # { # usernew => { forum_id => $current_session_last_time, ... } # userlast => { forum_id => $previous_session_last_time, ... } # login_time => $time, # prior_last_seen => $USER->{user_last_seen} # roots => { # $forum_id => { # $root_id => $time_thread_viewed, # ... # }, # ... # }, # posts => { # $forum_id => { # $post_id => $time_post_viewed, # ... # }, # ... # } # } my $auth_type = 'Session'; my $use_cookies = 1; # By default, always use cookies. if ($IN->param('remember_me')) { $auth_type = 'Remember'; } elsif ($IN->param('dont_use_cookies')) { $use_cookies = 0; } my ($usernew, $userlast); my $sth = $DB->table('UserNew')->select(forum_id_fk => usernew_last => { user_id_fk => $USER->{user_id} }); while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) { $usernew->{$row->[0]} = $row->[1]; $userlast->{$row->[0]} = $row->[1]; } my $session_data = { usernew => $usernew, userlast => $userlast, login_time => time, prior_last_seen => $USER->{user_last_seen} }; # Now read the read posts from the PostNew table $sth = $DB->table('PostNew')->select('forum_id_fk', 'post_id_fk', 'root_id_fk', { user_id_fk => $USER->{user_id} }); while (my ($fid, $pid, $rid) = $sth->fetchrow) { $session_data->{posts}->{$fid}->{$pid} = time; # Consider the session creation time to be the time the posts were viewed $session_data->{roots}->{$fid}->{$rid} = time; # Have to keep track of the root as well } # Now actually create the session $SESSION = GT::Session::SQL->new({ tb => $DB->table('Session'), session_user_id => $USER->{user_id}, session_date => time, session_data => $session_data }); $SESSION->save(); # Now redirect to another URL and set cookies, or set URL string. my $url = $IN->param('url'); my $redirect = 0; if ($auth_type eq 'Remember') { my $remember = GT::Session::SQL->new({ tb => $DB->table('Remember'), session_user_id => $USER->{user_id}, session_date => 0x7FFF_FFFF }); print $IN->cookie(-name => $CFG->{cookie_prefix} . 'remember', -value => $remember->{info}->{session_id}, -path => $CFG->{cookie_path}, -expires => "+10y")->cookie_header, "\n"; if ($CFG->{cookie_domain}) { print $IN->cookie(-name => $CFG->{cookie_prefix} . 'remember', -value => $remember->{info}->{session_id}, -path => $CFG->{cookie_path}, -expires => "+10y", -domain => $CFG->{cookie_domain})->cookie_header, "\n"; } } if ($use_cookies) { my @cookies; push @cookies, $IN->cookie(-name => $CFG->{cookie_prefix} . 'session', -value => $SESSION->{info}->{session_id}, -path => $CFG->{cookie_path} ); if ($CFG->{cookie_domain}) { push @cookies, $IN->cookie(-name => $CFG->{cookie_prefix} . 'session', -value => $SESSION->{info}->{session_id}, -path => $CFG->{cookie_path}, -domain => $CFG->{cookie_domain} ); } if ($url) { $url = "$CFG->{cgi_root_url}/$url" if $url !~ m|^https?://|; $url .= "&first_login=1" if $USER and $USER->{user_first_logon}; print $IN->redirect(-cookie => \@cookies, -url => $url); $redirect = 1; } else { print $IN->header(-force => 1, -cookie => \@cookies); } } else { my $sid = $SESSION->{info}->{session_id}; if ($url) { $url = "$CFG->{cgi_root_url}/$url" if $url !~ m|^https?://|; $url =~ s/([&;\?]session=)[^;&]*/$1$sid/ or $url .= (index($url, '?') >= 0 ? "&session=$sid" : "?session=$sid"); $url .= "&first_login=1" if $USER and $USER->{user_first_logon}; print $IN->redirect($url); $redirect = 1; } else { $HIDDEN{session} = $sid; $IN->param('session' => $sid); print $IN->header(); } } return $redirect; } END_OF_SUB # Sets %AUTH_FORUM_CACHE to something like this: # %AUTH_FORUM_CACHE = ( # banned => { $forum_id => 1, $forum_id => 1, ... }, # forum_perm => { $forum_id => $perm, $forum_id => $perm, ... } # ); sub _load_forum_perm_cache { # The cache isn't set, so set it will all bans and forum permissions %AUTH_FORUM_CACHE = ( banned => { }, # { $forum_id => 1, $forum_id => 1, ... } permission => { } # { $forum_id => $perm, $forum_id => $perm, ... } ); my $ForumBan = $DB->table('ForumBan'); my %groups = ($CFG->{id_group_guest} => 1); if ($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}) { my $sth = $ForumBan->select(qw/ban_id forum_id_fk ban_expiry/ => { ban_ip => $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} }); while (my ($bid, $fid, $expiry) = $sth->fetchrow) { # IP bans if ($expiry and $expiry > 0 and $expiry < time) { $ForumBan->delete($bid); next; } $AUTH_FORUM_CACHE{banned}{$fid} = 1; } } if ($USER) { my $sth = $ForumBan->select(qw/ban_id forum_id_fk ban_expiry/ => { user_id_fk => $USER->{user_id} }); while (my ($bid, $fid, $expiry) = $sth->fetchrow) { # User bans if ($expiry and $expiry > 0 and $expiry < time) { $ForumBan->delete($bid); next; } $AUTH_FORUM_CACHE{banned}{$fid} = 1; } # Make a list of the groups. $sth = $DB->table('UserGroup')->select(group_id_fk => { user_id_fk => $USER->{user_id} }); while (my $id = $sth->fetchrow_array) { $groups{$id}++; } # Grab any moderator permissions $sth = $DB->table('ForumModerator')->select(forum_id_fk => { user_id_fk => $USER->{user_id} }); while (my $fid = $sth->fetchrow) { $AUTH_FORUM_CACHE{permission}{$fid} = FORUM_PERM_MODERATOR; } } my $sth = $DB->table('ForumGroup')->select('forum_id_fk', 'forum_perms' => { group_id_fk => [keys %groups] }); while (my ($fid, $perm) = $sth->fetchrow) { next if $AUTH_FORUM_CACHE{permission}{$fid} and $AUTH_FORUM_CACHE{permission}{$fid} > $perm; $AUTH_FORUM_CACHE{permission}{$fid} = $perm; } } # This function sets the 'user_forum_permission' key in $USER. It should be set # to one of the FORUM_PERM_* contants in GForum.pm. It takes one argument - the # forum ID of the forum the user is accessing. The forum permission is returned. # 'user_forum_permission' is only set if $USER is set. This returns the # permission the currently logged in user has to the forum. If no user is logged # in, the guest permissions are returned. (Note that the return is the same as # what is set as $USER->{user_forum_permission}). NOTE: If $USER is NOT set, # this will not set user_forum_permission in $USER, but will instead set # and return $GUEST->{guest_forum_permission}. # Regardless of whether $USER or $GUEST is set, # $GForum::Template::VARS{user_forum_permission} is set so that it will be # available in any templates parsed. sub auth_forum_permission { my $forum_id = shift; return $GForum::Template::VARS{user_forum_permission} = $USER->{user_forum_permission} = FORUM_PERM_MODERATOR if $USER and $USER->{user_status} == ADMINISTRATOR; my $return; _load_forum_perm_cache if not keys %AUTH_FORUM_CACHE; my $permission = $AUTH_FORUM_CACHE{permission}{$forum_id}; my $banned = $AUTH_FORUM_CACHE{banned}{$forum_id}; if ($permission and $permission >= FORUM_PERM_MODERATOR) { # Check moderators before bans: a moderator cannot be banned from his forum $return = FORUM_PERM_MODERATOR; } elsif ($banned) { $return = FORUM_PERM_BANNED; } else { $return = $permission || FORUM_PERM_NONE; } if ($USER) { $USER->{user_forum_permission} = $return; } else { $GUEST->{guest_forum_permission} = $return; } $GForum::Template::VARS{user_forum_permission} = $return; return $return; } # Escapes a character class, but leaves ranges (a-z) and doesn't escape the \ # for hex escapes (\x20) or octal escapes (\040). $COMPILE{_cc_escape} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub _cc_escape { my $val = shift; $val =~ s/(\\(?!x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}|[0-3][0-7]{2})|\[|\])/\\$1/g; $val; } END_OF_SUB # Returns true or false - true if the permission of the user is found to be greater # than or equal to the level passed in - see the FORUM_PERM_* constants in GForum.pm # This always returns true if the user is an administrator. sub _forum_perm { my ($forum_id, $level) = @_; my $perm = auth('forum_permission', $forum_id); return $perm >= $level; } 1;