# ------------- # Links # ------------- # Links Manager # # File: db_utils.pl # Description: Database support routines. # Author: Alex Krohn # Email: alex@gossamer-threads.com # Web: http://www.gossamer-threads.com/ # Version: 2.01 # # (c) 1998 Gossamer Threads Inc. # # This script is not freeware! Please read the README for full details # on registration and terms of use. # ===================================================================== sub get_record { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Given an ID as input, get_record returns a hash of the # requested record or undefined if not found. my ($key, $found, @data, $field); $key = shift; $found = 0; open (DB, "<$db_file_name") or &cgierr("error in get_records. unable to open db file: $db_file_name.\nReason: $!"); if ($db_use_flock) { flock(DB, 1); } LINE: while () { (/^#/) and next LINE; (/^\s*$/) and next LINE; chomp; @data = &split_decode($_); if ($data[$db_key_pos] eq $key) { $found = 1; %rec = &array_to_hash (0, @data); last LINE; } } close DB; $found ? (return %rec) : (return undef); } sub get_defaults { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Returns a hash of the defaults used for a new record. my %default; foreach $field (keys %db_defaults) { $db_defaults{$field} =~ /^\s*$/ and ($default{$field} = $in{$field}) and next; (ref $db_defaults{$field} eq 'CODE') ? ($default{$field} = &{$db_defaults{$field}}) : ($default{$field} = $db_defaults{$field}); } if ($db_key_track) { open (ID, "<$db_id_file_name") or &cgierr("error in get_defaults. unable to open id file: $db_id_file_name.\nReason: $!"); if ($db_use_flock) { flock(ID, 1); } $default{$db_key} = + 1; # Get next ID number close ID; } return %default; } sub validate_record { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Verifies that the information passed through the form and stored # in %in matches a valid record. It checks first to see that if # we are adding, that a duplicate ID key does not exist. It then # checks to see that fields specified as not null are indeed not null, # finally it checks against the reg expression given in the database # definition. # my ($col, @input_err, $errstr, $err, $line, @lines, @data); my (%rec) = @_; if ($rec{'add_record'}) { # don't need to worry about duplicate key if modifying open (DB, "<$db_file_name") or &cgierr("error in validate_records. unable to open db file: $db_file_name.\nReason: $!"); if ($db_use_flock) { flock(DB, 1); } LINE: while () { (/^#/) and next LINE; (/^\s*$/) and next LINE; chomp; @data = &split_decode($_); ($data[$db_key_pos] eq $rec{$db_key}) and return "duplicate key error"; } close DB; } foreach $col (@db_cols) { if ($rec{$col} =~ /^\s*$/) { # entry is null or only whitespace ($db_not_null{$col}) and # entry is not allowed to be null. push(@input_err, "$col (Can not be left blank)"); # so let's add it as an error } else { # else entry is not null. ($db_valid_types{$col} && !($rec{$col} =~ /$db_valid_types{$col}/)) and push(@input_err, "$col (Invalid format)"); # but has failed validation. (length($rec{$col}) > $db_lengths{$col}) and push (@input_err, "$col (Too long. Max length: $db_lengths{$col})"); if ($db_sort{$col} eq "date") { push (@input_err, "$col (Invalid date format)") unless &date_to_unix($rec{$col}); } } } if ($#input_err+1 > 0) { # since there are errors, let's build foreach $err (@input_err) { # a string listing the errors $errstr .= "
  • $err"; # and return it. } return "
    "; } else { return "ok"; # no errors, return ok. } } sub build_email_list { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Build a list of all subscribers to mail to. # my ($name, $email, $output); $output = qq~"; close DB; return $output; } sub build_new_links { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Returns a text string used in the email newsletter of all # new links. # my $output = ''; my (@data, %rec); open (DB, "<$db_file_name") or &cgierr("unable to open db file: $db_file_name.\nReason: $!"); if ($db_use_flock) { flock(DB, 1); } LINE: while () { (/^#/) and next LINE; (/^\s*$/) and next LINE; chomp; @data = &split_decode($_); if ($data[$db_isnew] eq 'Yes') { %rec = &array_to_hash(0, @data); my $des_q = &linewrap ($rec{'Description'}); $output .= qq~ ------------------------------------------------------------------- $rec{'Title'} (added: $rec{'Date'}) $rec{'URL'} $des_q ~; } } close DB; return $output; } sub build_select_field { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Builds a SELECT field based on information found # in the database definition. # my ($column, $value, $name, $mult) = @_; my ($size, %values); $name || ($name = $column); $size || ($size = 1); if (! exists $db_select_fields{$column}) { $db_select_fields{$db_cols[$db_category]} = $db_select_fields{'Mult-Related'} = join (",", &category_list); } if ($mult) { @fields = split (/\,/, $db_select_fields{"Mult-$column"}); %values = map { $_ => 1 } split (/\Q$db_delim\E/, $value); } else { @fields = split (/\,/, $db_select_fields{$column}); $values{$value}++; } ($#fields >= 0) or return "error building select field: no select fields specified in config for field '$column'!"; $output = qq|"; return $output; } sub build_select_field_from_db { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Builds a SELECT field from the database. # my ($column, $value, $name) = @_; my (@fields, $field, %selectfields, $ouptut, $fieldnum, $found); # Make sure this is a valid field. (grep $_ eq $column, @db_cols) or return "error building select field: no fields specified!"; $fieldnum = $db_def{$column}[0]; $name ||= $column; # Go through the database and get each unique name in that column. open (DB, "<$db_file_name") or &cgierr("unable to open $db_file_name. Reason: $!"); if ($db_use_flock) { flock(DB, 1); } LINE: while () { /^\s*$/ and next LINE; # Skip blank lines /^#/ and next LINE; # Comment Line @fields = &split_decode ($_); $selectfields{$fields[$fieldnum]}++; } close DB; # Make a select list out of those names. $output = qq|\n"; return $output; } sub build_checkbox_field { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Builds a CHECKBOX field based on information found # in the database definition. Parameters are the column to build # whether it should be checked or not and a default value (optional). my ($column, $values, $name) = @_; $db_checkbox_fields{$column} or return "error building checkboxes: no checkboxes specified in config for field '$column'"; $name ||= $column; my @values = split (/\Q$db_delim\E/, $values); my @boxes = split (/,/, $db_checkbox_fields{$column}); my ($output, $box); foreach $box (@boxes) { (grep $_ eq $box, @values) ? ($output .= qq! $box\n!) : ($output .= qq! $box\n!); } return $output; } sub build_radio_field { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Builds a RADIO Button field based on information found # in the database definition. Parameters are the column to build # and a default value (optional). # my ($column, $value, $name) = @_; my (@buttons, $button, $output); $db_radio_fields{$column} or return "error building radio buttons: no radio fields specified in config for field '$column'!"; $name ||= $column; @buttons = split (/,/, $db_radio_fields{$column}); foreach $button (@buttons) { ($value eq $button) ? ($output .= qq| $button \n|) : ($output .= qq| $button \n|); } return $output; } sub build_html_record { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Builds a record based on the config information. # my (%rec) = @_; my ($output, $field); $output = "

    \n"; foreach $field (@db_cols) { next if ($db_form_len{$field} == -1); $output .= qq~ ~; } $output .= "
    <$font>$field: <$font>$rec{$field}

    \n"; return $output; } sub build_html_record_form { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Builds a record form based on the config information. # my ($output, $field, $multiple, $name); ($_[0] eq "multiple") and ($multiple = 1) and shift; my (%rec) = @_; $output = "

    "; # Go through a little hoops to only load category list when absolutely neccessary. if ($in{'db'} eq 'links') { exists $db_select_fields{$db_cols[$db_category]} or ($db_select_fields{$db_cols[$db_category]} = join (",", &category_list)); } else { $db_select_fields{'Related'} or ($db_select_fields{'Related'} = $db_select_fields{'Mult-Related'} = join ",", &category_list); } foreach $field (@db_cols) { # Set the field name to field-key if we are doing multiple forms. $multiple ? ($name = "$field-$rec{$db_key}") : ($name = $field); if ($db_select_fields{"Mult-$field"}) { $output .= "\n"; } elsif ($db_select_fields{$field}) { $output .= "\n"; } elsif ($db_radio_fields{$field}) { $output .= "\n"; } elsif ($db_checkbox_fields{$field}) { $output .= "\n"; } elsif ($db_form_len{$field} =~ /(\d+)x(\d+)/) { $output .= qq~\n~; } elsif ($db_form_len{$field} == -1) { $output = qq~\n$output~; } else { $output .= qq~\n~; } } $output .= "
    <$font>$field:" . &build_select_field($field, $rec{$field}, $name, "MULTIPLE SIZE=3") . "
    <$font>$field:" . &build_select_field($field, $rec{$field}, $name) . "
    <$font>$field:" . &build_radio_field($field, $rec{$field}, $name) . "
    <$font>$field:" . &build_checkbox_field ($field, $rec{$field}, $name) . "

    \n"; return $output; } sub category_list { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Returns a list of all categories in the database. # my (%categories, @fields); # If we've already loaded this, return it. defined @db_category_list and return @db_category_list; # Otherwise pull the list from the database. open (DB, "<$db_category_name") or &cgierr("unable to open $db_file_name. Reason: $!"); if ($db_use_flock) { flock(DB, 1); } LINE: while () { (/^#/) and next LINE; (/^\s*$/) and next LINE; @fields = &split_decode ($_); $categories{$fields[$db_main_category]}++; } close DB; # Cache the output in case we use this again. @db_category_list = sort keys %categories; return @db_category_list; } sub build_clean { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Formats a category name for displaying. # my ($input) = shift; $input =~ s/_/ /g; # Change '_' to spaces. $input =~ s,/, : ,g; # Change '/' to ' : '. return $input; } sub build_sorthit { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This function sorts a list of links. It has been modified to sort # new links first, then cool links, then the rest alphabetically. By modifying # the sort function below, you can sort the links however you like (by date, # or random, etc.). # my (@unsorted) = @_; my ($num) = ($#unsorted+1) / ($#db_cols+1); my (%sortby, %isnew, %iscool, $hit, $i, @sorted); for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $sortby{$i} = $unsorted[$db_sort_links + ($i * ($#db_cols+1))]; ($unsorted[$db_isnew + ($i * ($#db_cols+1))] eq "Yes") and ($isnew{$i} = 1); ($unsorted[$db_ispop + ($i * ($#db_cols+1))] eq "Yes") and ($iscool{$i} = 1); } foreach $hit (sort { ($isnew{$b} and !$isnew{$a}) and return 1; ($isnew{$a} and !$isnew{$b}) and return -1; ($iscool{$b} and !$iscool{$a}) and return 1; ($iscool{$a} and !$iscool{$b}) and return -1; ($isnew{$a} and $isnew{$b}) and return lc($sortby{$a}) cmp lc($sortby{$b}); ($iscool{$a} and $iscool{$b}) and return lc($sortby{$a}) cmp lc($sortby{$b}); return lc($sortby{$a}) cmp lc($sortby{$b}); } (keys %sortby)) { $first = ($hit * $#db_cols) + $hit; $last = ($hit * $#db_cols) + $#db_cols + $hit; push (@sorted, @unsorted[$first .. $last]); } return @sorted; } sub urlencode { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Escapes a string to make it suitable for printing as a URL. # my($toencode) = shift; $toencode =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9_\-.])/uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/eg; $toencode =~ s/\%2F/\//g; return $toencode; } sub get_date { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Returns the current date. # my ($time) = shift; $time ||= time(); exists $DATE_CACHE{$time} or ($DATE_CACHE{$time} = &unix_to_date($time)); return $DATE_CACHE{$time}; } sub get_time { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Returns the time in the format "hh-mm-ss". # my $time = shift; $time ||= time(); my ($sec, $min, $hour, @junk) = localtime ($time); ($sec < 10) and ($sec = "0$sec"); ($min < 10) and ($min = "0$min"); ($hour < 10) and ($hour = "0$hour"); return "$hour:$min:$sec"; } sub days_old { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Returns the number of days from a given day to today (number of days # old. # exists $DATE_CACHE{$_[0]} or ($DATE_CACHE{$_[0]} = &date_to_unix($_[0])); return int ((time() - $DATE_CACHE{$_[0]}) / 86400); } sub compare_dates { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Returns 1 if date a is greater then date b, otherwise returns 0. # exists $DATE_CACHE{$_[0]} or ($DATE_CACHE{$_[0]} = &date_to_unix($_[0])); exists $DATE_CACHE{$_[1]} or ($DATE_CACHE{$_[1]} = &date_to_unix($_[1])); return $DATE_CACHE{$_[0]} > $DATE_CACHE{$_[1]}; } sub array_to_hash { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Converts an array to a hash using db_cols as the field names. # my ($hit, @array) = @_; my ($i); return map { $db_cols[$i] => $array[$hit * ($#db_cols+1) + $i++] } @_; } sub linewrap { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Wraps a line into 60 char chunks. Modified from code by # Tim Gim Yee . # my $line = shift; defined $line or return ''; my @data = split /\t/, $line; my $columns = 60; my $tabstop = 1; my $frag = ''; my $col = $columns - 1; for (@data) { $_ = "$frag$_"; $frag = ''; s/(.{1,$columns}$)|(.{1,$col}(?:\S\s+|-(?=\w)))|(.{$col})/ $3 ? "$3-\n" : $2 ? "$2\n" : (($frag = $1), '') /ge; $frag .= (' ' x ($tabstop - length($frag) % $tabstop)); } local $_ = join '', @data, $frag; s/\s+$//gm; return $_; } sub load_template { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Loads and parses a template. Expects to find as input a # template file name, and a hash ref and optionally template text. # If text is defined, then no file is loaded, but rather the template # is taken from $text. # my ($tpl, $vars, $string) = @_; (ref $vars eq 'HASH') or &cgierr ("Not a hash ref: $vars in load_template!"); if (!defined $db_template) { require "$db_lib_path/Template.pm"; $db_template = new Template ( { ROOT => $db_template_path, CHECK => 0 } ); } $db_template->clear_vars; $db_template->load_template ($tpl, $string) or &cgierr ("Can't load template. Reason: $Template::error"); $db_template->load_vars ($vars) or &cgierr ("Can't load variables. Reason: $Template::error"); return $db_template->parse ($tpl) or &cgierr ("Can't parse template. Reason: $Template::error"); } sub join_encode { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Takes a hash (ususally from the form input) and builds one # line to output into the database. It changes all occurrences # of the database delimeter to '~~' and all newline chars to '``'. my %hash = @_; my ($tmp, $col, $output); foreach $col (@db_cols) { $tmp = $hash{$col}; $tmp =~ s/^\s+//g; # Trim leading blanks... $tmp =~ s/\s+$//g; # Trim trailing blanks... $tmp =~ s/\Q$db_delim\E/~~/og; # Change delimeter to ~~ symbol. $tmp =~ s/\n/``/g; # Change newline to `` symbol. $tmp =~ s/\r//g; # Remove Windows linefeed character. $output .= $tmp . $db_delim; # Build Output. } chop $output; # remove extra delimeter. $output .= "\n"; # add linefeed char. return $output; } sub split_decode { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Takes one line of the database as input and returns an # array of all the values. It replaces special mark up that # join_encode makes such as replacing the '``' symbol with a # newline and the '~~' symbol with a database delimeter. my ($input) = shift; my (@array) = split (/\Q$db_delim\E/o, $input, $#db_cols+1); foreach (@array) { s/~~/$db_delim/g; # Retrieve Delimiter.. s/``/\n/g; # Change '' back to newlines.. } return @array; } sub html_print_headers { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Print out the headers if they haven't already been printed. # if (!$html_headers_printed) { print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\n" if ($db_iis or $nph); print "Pragma: no-cache\n" if ($db_nocache); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; $html_headers_printed = 1; } } sub parse_form { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Parses the form input and returns a hash with all the name # value pairs. Removes any field with "---" as a value # (as this denotes an empty SELECT field. # my (@pairs, %in); my ($buffer, $pair, $name, $value); if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'GET') { @pairs = split(/&/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}); } elsif ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'POST') { read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); @pairs = split(/&/, $buffer); } else { &cgierr('You cant run this script from telnet/shell.'); } PAIR: foreach $pair (@pairs) { ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair); $name =~ tr/+/ /; $name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; ($value eq "---") and next PAIR; exists $in{$name} ? ($in{$name} .= "~~$value") : ($in{$name} = $value); } return %in; } sub cgierr { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Displays any errors and prints out FORM and ENVIRONMENT # information. Useful for debugging. # if (!$html_headers_printed) { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; $html_headers_printed = 1; } print "
    \n\nCGI ERROR\n==========================================\n";
        $_[0]      and print "Error Message       : $_[0]\n";   
        $0         and print "Script Location     : $0\n";
        $]         and print "Perl Version        : $]\n";  
        print "\nForm Variables\n-------------------------------------------\n";
        foreach $key (sort keys %in) {
            my $space = " " x (20 - length($key));
            print "$key$space: $in{$key}\n";
        print "\nEnvironment Variables\n-------------------------------------------\n";
        foreach $env (sort keys %ENV) {
            my $space = " " x (20 - length($env));
            print "$env$space: $ENV{$env}\n";
        print "\n
    "; exit -1; } 1;